Sunday, September 23, 2012

Radiohead: So Close Yet So Far

My friend Virginia joked so much about me writing a blog post about this that I'm inferring that she must want to be in my blog! Hehehe

SO. My new Italian friends invited me to a Radiohead concert. The only catch was that they didn't have tickets and we were going to sneak inside. So of course I couldn't pass up an offer like that.

So we made it to outside of the concert, and there were security and police everywhere. I couldn't hear the music except for a faint drum beat. We walked purposefully through an opening and the security person there didn't seem concerned. We went on some kind of horse track and I think that we could have gotten into the concert if we'd gotten there earlier. As it was, we totally missed it!

Tis okay, though. We had a consolation crepe which we split into thirds because they were crazy overpriced. And next concert, we'll be ready in our black ninja outfits.

By the way, it cracks me up that the majority of the music here is in English! Even though most Italians do not speak English! The other day my youngest homestay sis asked me what the meaning of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance was. That made me laugh because I have no idea!

If you could go any concert, which band would you see?

1 comment:

  1. I feel sooooo honored ;)
    though, about your blog mine was just admiration, not a joke!!!
    I am looking forward for our crepes afternoon!!!! :)
